About SuperSwiki2
SuperSwiki2 is a new implementation of SuperSwiki.
- You can filter e-Toy projects by categories, subcategories
- You can search e-Toy projects by keywords, categories, author, etc.
- BBS system is included for discussion
- You can attach comments to e-Toy projects
- Exporting e-Toy projects for backup
- Importing e-Toy projects for merging many SuperSwikis
- Auto syndication - SuperSwiki2 servers automatically find and list other internet SuperSwiki2 sites by using OpenDHT.
- M17N support (by supplying message catalog files, you can localize SuperSwiki2
- Simple Wiki
- Authentication and access control
- Clients automatically detect SuperSwiki location in local network, so that explicit settings are not needed.
- Old SuperSwiki Clients can still connect to SuperSwiki2 server with similar settings to SuperSwiki.
- Scalable - registering a number of projects does not slow down the system.
- RSS support
- Built on Seaside(web application framework), OmniBase (object database)
Download: (UPDATED - 2009/11/20)
How to use:
Demo site:
[:masashi | ^umezawa]