Friday, 12 November 2010, 7:09:57 am
Friday, 12 November 2010, 4:50:49 am
細かい点を ...
「見ておくためだけ」に → 「ちょっと確認してみよう」と
"Alice would never know" は良くわかりません。ただ立ち読みした物語の主人公というよりも、ベスの dad の奥方(つまりベスの母親)とかを想定していて、思わず Copy ボタンを押したことは「奥方の Alice に知られることはない」という意味なのかも。。。でもきちんとするなら Alan さんに質問するべきですね。
彼等はまるで2歳児のように待ち切れないのだ。→ 彼等はいまだに2歳児のように知りたがりなのだ。
Friday, 29 October 2010, 4:32:05 am
指摘ありがとうございます。ジャコブソン→ヤコブソンとします。 --tomooda
Thursday, 28 October 2010, 1:46:30 pm
子供の会話が読みやすいですね。細かいですが「ジャコブソン先生」は「ヤコブソン先生」という表記の方が一般的かなと思いました --technohippy
Thursday, 28 October 2010, 7:44:14 am
最後から3文目の「Alice would never know」は、物語のヒロインはアリスで、そのアリスには知る由もないが、という解釈でいいのでしょうか?それとも何か慣用句的な表現でしょうか? --tomooda
[picture of two kids sitting in the grass with Dynabooks]
Zap! With a beautiful flash and appropriate noise, Jimmy's spaceship disintegrated; Beth had won Spacewar again.
The nine-year-olds were lying on the grass of a park near their home, their DynaBooks hooked together to allow each of them a viewscreen into the space world where Beth's ship was now floating triumphantly alone.
"Y' wanna play again?" asked Jimmy.
"Naw," said Beth, "It's too easy."
"Well, in real space you'd be in orbit around the sun. Betcha couldn't win then!"
"Oh yeah?" Beth was piqued into action. "How could we do the sun?"
"Well, uh, let's see. When the ship's in space without a sun, it just keeps going 'cause there's nothing to stop it.
Whenever we push the thrust button, your program adds speed in the direction the ship is pointing."
"Yeah. That's why you have to turn the ship and thrust back to get it to ship."
She illustrated by maneuvering with a few practiced button pushes on her DynaBook.
"But the sun makes things fall into it...it's not the same."
"But look, Beth," Jimmy aimed her ship, "when you hold the thrust button down, it starts going faster and faster, just like Mr. Jacobson said rocks and things do in gravity."
"Oh yeah. It's just like the rock had a jet on it pointed towards the earth. Hey, what about also adding speed to the ship that way?"
"Whaddya mean?" Jimmy was confused.
"Here look." Her fingers started to fly on the DynaBook's keyboard, altering the program she had written several weeks before after she and the rest of her school group had "accidently" been exposed to Spacewar by Mr. Jacobson.
"You just act as though the ship is pointed towards the sun and add speed!" As she spoke her ship started to fall, but not towards the son. "Oh no! It's going all over the place!"
Jimmy saw what was wrong. "You need to add speed in the direction of the sun no matter where your ship is."
"But how do we do that? Cripes!"
"Let's go and ask Mr. Jacobson!" They picked up their DynaBooks and raced across the grass to their teacher who was helping other members of their group to find out what they wanted to know.
Mr. Jacobson's eyes twinkled at their impatience to know things.
They were still as eager as two-year-olds.
He and other like him would do their best to sustain the curiosity and desire to crate that are the birthright of every human being.
From what Beth and Jimmy blurted at him, eh was able to see that the kids had rediscovered an important idea intuitively and needed only a hint in order to add the sun to their private cosmos.
He was enthusiastic, but a bit noncommittal:
"That's great! I bet you the Library has just about what you need."
At that, Jimmy connected his DynaBook to the class's LIBLINK and became heir to the thought and knowledge of ages past, all perusable through the screen of his DB.
It was like taking an endless voyage through a space that knew no bounds.
As always he had a little trouble remembering what his original purpose was.
Each time he came to something interesting, he caused a copy to be send into his DynaBook, so he could look at it later.
Finally, Beth poked him in the ribs, and he started looking more seriously for what they needed. He composed a simple filter for his DynaBook to aid their search...
At the same time that Beth and Jimmy were earnestly trying to discover the notion of a coordinate system, Beth's dad was sitting on a plane preparing for an important meeting.
He was perusing pertinent background facts which he had abstracted into his DynaBook that morning from his business' Masterfile, every once in a while pausing to enter a voice comment.
He knew it was somewhat anachronistic of him not to type in his comments (Miss Jones would still have to do that) , and he wished ardently for the long-promised speech recognition capability to be added to his DynaBook.
On the ground his eye was attracted by a lurid poster on one of the airport's StoryVend.
He connected his DB to the Storyvend "just to see" if the heroine was truly that "inventive".
She was, and as he pushed the Copy Key on his DynaBook (Alice would never know), he was chaqrined to be reminded by the
Storyvend that he had neglected to pay for the COPY.
He got into the taxi in a somewhat more businesslike frame of mind and decided to check the opposition's estimates.
As he scanned the information with his DB, he reflected that this was something that he just wouldn't have done five years before; it was too much of a hassle to do it by hand or to pass it on to someone elso.
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- A Personal Computer for Children of All Ages 翻訳 last edited on 20 September 2013 at 11:34:55 am by pl2093.nas829.p-tokyo.nttpc.ne.jp
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