Using normal EtoysPlugin
Setting up EtoysPlugin
Traditional way - write a known server file
In order to set up EtoysPlugin to reach SuperSwiki2 server, you need to create a text file like:
name: MySuperSwiki2
directory: /super/SuperSwikiProj
type: bss
server: YourServerAddressHere:YourPortHere
acceptsUploads: true
If the server runs on localhost:9090, the file would be:
name: MySuperSwiki2
directory: /super/SuperSwikiProj
type: bss
server: localhost:9090
acceptsUploads: true
(You can save this file in your favorite name. For example 'MySuperSwiki2').
- Sample file for local SuperSwiki2
You then need to copy this file onto every client that you want to access the server. You need to place the file in the "My Squeak" or Squeak installation directory.
On Windows this usually is:
C:\Program Files\Etoys\Etoys.app\Contents\Resources\prefs\knownServers
C:\My Squeak\(user name)\prefs\knownServers (older Etoys versions)
On Mac :
/Applications/Etoys\ 4.app/Contents/Resources/prefs/knownServers
/Users/(your name)/Library/Preferences/Squeak/Internet/My Squeak/prefs/knownServers (older Etoys versions)
If you do not like to do such tedious settings, you can use customized SqueakPlugin
Link to this Page
- Client Settings last edited on 21 September 2007 at 4:23:14 pm by swikis.ddo.jp