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最終更新情報: 11:53:04 am on 27 July 2008 by PPPbm2897.tokyo-ip.dti.ne.jp
<html><a href="http://swikis.ddo.jp/umejava/uploads/37/snapshot1.png" target="_blank"><img src="http://swikis.ddo.jp/umejava/uploads/37/serverScreenshot1.png" width=256 height=192 border=0/></a></html> <b>2008.July updated version is available now.</b> !Features: - SuperSwiki2 Server starts automatically after booting. - Other SuperSwiki2 clients recognize the SuperSwiki2 server automatically. - If installed in USB memory, the uploaded project data is stored in the same USB memory automatically. - Includes documents for setting-up SuperSwiki2 on your site. If you install SuperSwiki2 Server Bootable ISO image to your USB memory, you can be an "eToys workshop road warrior". SuperSwiki2 Server, Linux OS, and projects data are all included in one USB memory. What you need to do is just booting up the environment from the USB memory. (The target PC's original environment is kept intact). !Download: -*ISO image>ftp://swikis.ddo.jp/SuperSwiki2/CD-image/SuperSwiki2-2008.7.iso* -*BitTorrent (If you have BitTorrent client, please use this)>ftp://swikis.ddo.jp/SuperSwiki2/CD-image/SuperSwiki2-2008.7.iso.torrent* !How to burn the ISO image to USB memory: It would be easiest to use *MySlax Creator>http://myslax.bonsonno.org/*. In the wizard form, just follow a few steps. 1: choose the ISO image. 2: select "Mount". 3: push "USB Stick" button. That's all. At least, 512MB memory stick is needed. It is not so expensive today. !How to create/customize your bootable ISO image: *http://swikis.ddo.jp/umejava/27* (technical)