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最終更新情報: 10:11:28 pm on 6 June 2006 by
_ !!Download -SqSquare server image >> *http://souko-ban.hp.infoseek.co.jp/SqSquare/SqSquareDemo-Server-20060327.zip* -SqSquare client image >> *http://souko-ban.hp.infoseek.co.jp/SqSquare/SqSquareDemo-Client-20060327.zip* --installed on latest Tweak image. -How to install on latest Tweak image (*TinLizzie 765>ftp://swikis.ddo.jp/SqSquare/baseImages/tinlizzie-765.zip*) --Load prerequisite SAR (update SqueakMap before installing it)>> *+SqSquarePreInst.sar+* --Load latest MCZs form *http://swikis.ddo.jp:9091/SqSquare/* (AkaChat, SqSquare-Core, SqSquare-Client, SqSquare-Server) ---*Load script* ---*Installed base images>ftp://swikis.ddo.jp/SqSquare/baseImages* ---*Windows installer (needs original SqueakPlugin)>ftp://swikis.ddo.jp/SqSquare/installer/SqSquare-Installer.EXE* _ !!How to start #Start server #-start server image, then start SqSquare Server automatically. #Start client ##edit "SqSettings.ini" - "serverHost" ##-set server address or hostname ##-"localhost" is default setting ##-start client image. ##Login ##-evaluate "SqBoardHolder open." ##-press "login" button, and input userId, password ##-(user:pass) -> (user01:user01) .. (user10:user10) ##Select or create board ##-press "select boards" button ##-select or create board _ !Memo -VoiceChat --You can use VoiceChat feature after select a board. --press mic icon if you wants to talk to other users. --now VoiceChat client works only on Windows platforme. -SheetPlayer --You can get SheetPlayer from PartsBin. --SheetPlayer is a editable text area or a free layout container of players -LinkButton --If you click link halo, you get link button. -Complex Player is not supported yet. -Press SqBoardHolder's 'restart EventPlayer' button if board updating is stopped.