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最終更新情報: 11:41:16 pm on 28 September 2005 by
!What is WorldMap? "WorldMap" defines the logical relationships of multiple images. The current World Map can be seen by WorldMapMorph (drag it from the NetMorph flap). From the WorldMapMorph, you can edit your local info (your area name - default is a combination of hostname and port ) and location (x,y coordinates). After editing, you should store the updated information. The WorldMap data can be stored to a local file system, or a remote "MapServer". If you made the neighboring images by "save as neighbors", the setting - "map from internet" is off, which means local file system is used. - if the internet option is on, you have to specify your map server (or use the default map server on this site). see below... *@NetMorph with MapServer* The data is stored in plain CSV. You may edit it by hand. Default file name is "WorldMap.csv", which is located in your Squeak directory (if the setting is local). Other clients will automatically load the updated Map data. It will take one minute. If you can not wait, use "load" button in each client. !Adjusting your location We recommend that you should load a map data first and then set your local location. In WorldMapMorph, select the area you would like to use and bring a pop-up menu. From the menu, you can select 'set as local'. It will change the selected area to blue. After that, save the map data. If you do not set this, you can not participate in a NetMorph session, because even if you have a map, your local area is not known for the community. ---(ume:20040618) _ !NetMorph with MapServer @NetMorph with MapServer If "map from internet" is on, the WorldMap data will be downloaded from MapServer. MapServer location is specified in URL. The default URL is http://swikis.ddo.jp:8823/NetMorphAdminServer. You have to change this if you are running your map server. Like 'http://yourMapServerHost:youMapServerPort/NetMorphAdminServer' If you would like to use multiple map files, store the WorldMap in different names. (Default name is "WorldMap.csv".) ---(ume:20040618)